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Tony Mowbray has explained the difficulties he is facing with Jewison Bennette, and has once again outlined the need to be patient with a teenager from South America who doesn't understand or speak the language yet.


"For his age he is so talented. He is having language lessons with us, twice a week. There are a lot of little things he needs to do."


"He lives with his dad and his mum is coming over after the World Cup. I'd like us to control his routine a bit more - his diet, his sleep, I feel as if he is a young kid who is still floating around."


"We see some brilliant moments in training but then at times, he can look a bit fatigued and you wonder if he has been sleeping or is he getting up at 5am to speak to people back home. Has he acclimatised totally? I don't know the answer because we cannot really communicate with him at this stage. I am quite relaxed about the fact he has not made a massive impact since scoring two goals for his country and then that goal at Watford. But I think he is a happy kid, I do not think he is sulking at not playing a bit more. He is on a journey with us really."


"The club is doing its best to ensure everything is OK for him but I feel as if he hasn't really settled into a routine. I do need to give him more exposure, integrate him a bit more. He is a lovely kid although until he speaks the language I cannot really tell him what I want. That is the biggest hurdle right now. We need to communicate better for him to know all his jobs and duties on the pitch. That is a slight frustration because I know he will be so much better when language becomes less of an issue. He is so young, I do not see why we should accelerate him into the team."


"It is about balance and development. For me, we have to solidify ourselves in this league and when we do, that is the time to get him blooded in games. He has to learn on the job."


"Yes, it could (give him more exposure). Let's hope it does. In many ways it will be easier for him because he will be playing with and mixing with people who speak his language. And he will understand his role in that team much more."


"I do not know whether he will start for Costa Rica, I have no knowledge of the competition. The World Cup could quite possibly be career defining or life changing. Let us hope when the next World Cup comes around, he has played 100 or more games for us and he is a big name on the international stage. He has the talent to do that. I just do not feel this is the right time to expose him too much."


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