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In news that will come as no shock to us all, Regis Le Bris has been confirmed as the EFL Championship manager of the month, with us winning all four games to begin our campaign, whilst only conceding a single goal. 

He was quick to praise his coworkers too, claiming the award isn’t for him individually, but all the staff and the players. Speaking on the award, Reg had this to say: 


“I think it is a collective success. It’s not only a manager, a coach or a player – we have been working together for 11 weeks now and the connection has been very good. Their experience before and my experience before has been able to meet very well. It has been a good match but it is just a start.”


“I think it is very important for a manager, a team and a club to start well because that means the dynamic is good for the confidence, and when you are confident, you can take more risks and learn from your experiences. It is harder to do that when you have many losses. So, this start has been important, but it is just four games. We know that we will have a long journey. This Championship is very interesting, but very tough. We will see what happens."


“My reaction is that I am happy and proud. It wasn’t easy to change country and to have a new experience like this at a big club like Sunderland. The welcome was incredible, and then the connection with the team, the staff and the people in the building was very impressive. It is a collective success but I would like to have this success at the end of the season. It is a good start, now we need to maintain the level.”


“It is an exciting project. We have a good foundation, and the willingness to improve is still there. We need to maintain this mindset. We will have good moments and bad ones, but if this way of thinking of stable, I think we will have the possibility to reach our potential, and at the minute, we don’t really know what that potential is.”


“The potential is really exciting because there is a real willingness to improve. With young players, we don’t really have previous games to be able to see where they can improve. That almost makes it more exciting. When this feeling is within a group, it is very exciting to see how they can grow and develop. Something completely unpredictable could happen – good or bad. But the best case is definitely possible, and that is exciting. It is just a reward for the start. I think we all need to enjoy it when it is positive because, when it is negative, it is all very different. That is very hard, so when it is positive, you need to enjoy it. Not too much though, just at the right level.”


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