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Anthony Patterson has been previewing the season ahead and also chatting about his experiences with the England set up…


"We're really looking forward to it. We did really well last season and we want to build on it, hopefully go one step further. Last season I think it was a bit of a step into the unknown for a lot of us, we had a squad who hadn't played too much Championship football so you never quite know what to expect from the standard. A year under our belt, it should stand us in good stead for the season ahead. The team just kept pushing on last year even through all the injury troubles we had, and I think that's the type of the team we are. We just kept battling on, pushing on. This season I'm confident we'll be exactly the same, even though the expectations will be higher I see no reason why we can't be successful again."


“I think I played 50 games last season, which probably surprised me and it was really nice to manage that. I always think there's stuff you can work on as a player, even after a really good season there are still parts of my game that I want to improve. You've got to keep building on your strengths as well and improve on those even further. I feel like I can really push on this season now that I've had that year at the level and hopefully develop my game even quicker."


"It was a nice little bonus on what I'd already done in the season really. I really enjoyed the training there and working with the other goalkeepers and the coaches, and to pull on an England shirt was a great honour. It gives you a nice taste of something that could hopefully happen in the future, so I've just got to put club first now and then all that other stuff will take care of itself.”


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