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After a really solid debut against Boro, Chris Mepham revealed the details of his Bournemouth contract and spoke about a potential permanent move to Wearside.


“This is my final year and I think the club have the option of next year."


“Yeah, I don't want to look too far ahead. I think naturally you keep it week by week because a lot can happen in a short period of time. Like I said, I think the most important thing for me at this stage of my career is just playing football and getting regular game time which is something I've probably missed over the last couple of years. I think all that will look after itself but I think for me the most important thing is just getting game time, staying fit and staying injury-free. Of course, the most important thing is helping the team and trying to do as best I can for the football club.”


“It's super, super tough. Again, you get some lads that might not be as affected. They might be happy to sit on their contracts but I think I've never been that type of way. I've never wanted to accept the position I'm in, sit on the bench, just see the season through. I think I'm at my happiest and most content in my life when I'm in the team playing football and it seems like all your problems kind of disappear."


“I think that's important and of course, I like to think I've still got plenty of time on my side and if I can, like I said, get that regular game time I know that my levels will get higher and that can only help this club and help Wales when I do go away with them.”


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