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When I watched Sunderland concede to Wycombe in the dying seconds of the game I thought to myself that winning teams are ruthless and kill games off so the opposition has no chance of coming back.

Sunderland seem incapable of doing of that and displaying showing such a ruthless streak. This was seen again in glorious technicolour when 10 men Accrington came back to grab a draw. Looking at Wigan, especially and Wycombe you see teams who are capable of keeping Sunderland in the play off places.

Yes we go on good runs and we flatter ourselves into thinking here's where we create a significant points difference with the third placed teams but it is never driven home. And this is Lee Johnson's Achilles Heel.

What worries me more is the lack of a killing instinct will raise its head once again IF we make the play offs. This is why I have never believed Lee Johnson is the man to take us up. When he says his mission is a long term plan, he really means bear with me whilst I continue to disappoint when it comes to crunch results (over many years).

For that reason Lee I cannot but because you create the illusion of possible promotion I'm sure you'll be here until the end of the season when another failure to escape from this lowly league may see more fans agreeing with my views. And, underlying all of this I keep reminding myself, 'this is League One and we are Sunderland. Yet another season in this C League is simply torture!


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