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Alan Browne has given a fair and level-headed assessment of Sunderland's start to the season and gave some insight into the mentality of the dressing room.


“To be fair I thought it was quite comfortable in the end. We limited them to very few opportunities, even the goal is on our behalf really. Other than that I didn’t think they troubled us too much. Up the other end, I thought we were clinical when it mattered. We broke forward really well and as I said, we didn’t have much to defend but anything we did we dealt with it really well.”


“Brilliant. I wasn’t sure if someone was behind me, or if it was actually going in, so I just made sure! I’m not a little goal hanger who likes to claim those kinds of goals but I definitely got the last touch and it’s great to be off the mark.”


“Of course, and if we had managed to keep a clean sheet as well it would have been brilliant to win four with four clean sheets, but at the end of the day it’s all about winning. If we continue to do that then that’s all that matters. We’ve put ourselves in a really good position going into the break and I think it’s really important not to get carried away with it, and make sure our mindset is on it as soon as we come back.”


“That’s the most important thing. It’s always about looking to do better and do more. We’re all gutted that we couldn’t keep a clean sheet so it just shows the attitude at the moment in the dressing room. It’s not just all about winning, we want to keep clean sheets as well at the other end. So far so good and hopefully we can continue to drive in the right direction.”


“It’s been pretty easy for me to be fair. I’ve slotted in quite well and the boys are fantastic. They’ve got some really good attitudes and the talent is there for everyone to see. I think it’s just about bringing that talent out as much as we can. People aren’t going to be on it every game but if we have 7,8,9 players consistently performing then we can afford to have one or two off days. But so far everyone’s been really good and I’ve been really impressed. Long may that continue.”


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